Janome Feature Review - Accurate Stitch Regulator

Unlocking Precision and Creativity: The Accurate Stitch Regulator (A.S.R.)

What is the Accurate Stitch Regulator (A.S.R.)?

Precision in quilting transforms everyday projects into works of art. The Janome Accurate Stitch Regulator (A.S.R.) is a ground-breaking invention that guarantees perfectly equal stitches with every stitch. Janome’s A.S.R. enables both novices and experts alike to easily produce results of a professional.

How Useful Is the A.S.R.?

The A.S.R. is a amazing tool for anyone who is enthusiastic about their quilting; as it removes the common guesswork that quilters, patchworkers, and stipplers do everyday regarding speed, stitch length and tension. But it is “sew” much more than that. Here are some reasons why the A.S.R. is so helpful:

  1. Perfect Stitch Consistency: Welcome to the end of uneven stitches and thread tension issues. The A.S.R. ensures your stitching looks immaculate from start to finish by regulating the machine’s speed on the fabric’s movement.
  2. Enhanced Sewing Speed: Whether you’ve been quilting for years or just about to take your first basting stitch, the A.S.R. allows you to sew at any speed with confidence. Say goodbye to slowing down for intricate details – the A.S.R. adapts to your pace.
  3. Smooth Quilting: Quilting enthusiasts will find the A.S.R. particularly valuable. The technology ensures even stitches across layers of fabric, eliminating the hassle of fabric shifting during intricate projects.
  4. Effortless Stitching: Beginners can rejoice as the A.S.R. takes away the stress of maintaining stitch consistency. Focus on your creativity, and let the A.S.R. handle the technical aspects of sewing.

How Does the Accurate Stitch Regulator (A.S.R.) Work?

Katrina Testing the Janome MC9480

The Accurate Stitch Regulator (A.S.R.) operates by sensing the movement of the fabric and adjusting the sewing machine’s needle speed accordingly. This cutting-edge system relies on special sensors that detect the fabric’s motion, ensuring that the needle’s up and down movements align precisely with the fabric’s speed. As you guide the fabric through the machine, the A.S.R. automatically adjusts the stitch length and width, keeping the stitches uniform and consistent even when you change your sewing speed. This seamless interaction between the A.S.R. and your movements ensures that every stitch is executed with exceptional accuracy, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and ensuring a smooth and hassle-free sewing experience. The A.S.R. truly empowers you to focus solely on your creativity, knowing that the technology is working in harmony with you to deliver flawless results in every stitch.

Sewing Machines Compatible with the A.S.R.

To enjoy the wonders of the Accurate Stitch Regulator, you’ll need a sewing machine that supports this cutting-edge technology. Currently, Janome offers the A.S.R. on the following exceptional models:

  1. Janome Continental M17: The flagship model that introduced the A.S.R. to the world of sewing. The Continental M17 is a powerhouse of precision and creativity, catering to both seasoned artisans and novices.
  2. Janome Continental M8: The newest addition to the Janome family, the Continental M8 continues the legacy of the loved M7, while incorporating the A.S.R. for unparalleled stitching accuracy. It’s a sewing marvel that will redefine your crafting experience.
  3. Janome MC9480: Seamstresses seeking a versatile machine with the A.S.R. feature will find it in the MC9480. This model delivers exceptional performance across various sewing applications, making it a favourite among enthusiasts.

Project: Stunning Quilted Table Runner

Now that you’ve discovered the (not-so) hidden wonders of the Janome A.S.R., let’s embark on a fun project that will showcase some of its wonderous capabilities. This stunning quilted table runner is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to your dining area or as a heartfelt gift for someone special.

Materials Needed:

  • Assorted fabric scraps in complementary colours
  • Batting or quilt interfacing
  • Coordinating thread
  • Rotary cutter and cutting mat
  • Ruler
  • Sewing machine with A.S.R. (Continental M17Continental M8, or MC9480)
  • Iron and ironing board 


  1. Cut your fabric scraps into rectangles or squares, ensuring they are of the same height but varying lengths for an interesting design.
  2. Arrange the fabric pieces on your cutting mat, experimenting with different layouts until you find one that speaks to you.
  3. Use the A.S.R. on your Janome sewing machine to quilt the fabric pieces onto the batting or quilt interfacing. Feel free to experiment with various stitch lengths and patterns for added visual appeal.
  4. Trim the edges of the table runner to create clean lines.
  5. Add a backing fabric to the quilted piece and sew along the edges, leaving a small opening to turn the runner right-side-out.
  6. Turn the table runner right-side-out, and press it with an iron for a polished finish.
  7. To secure the layers together, use the A.S.R. to add additional quilting lines as desired.
  8. Complete the table runner by sewing the opening shut and adding a final topstitch around the edges.

Voila! You now have a stunning quilted table runner that showcases the magic of the Accurate Stitch Regulator. With the A.S.R. at your disposal, the possibilities for your sewing projects are limitless.

In conclusion, the Accurate Stitch Regulator is a transformative technology that brings unparalleled precision and creativity to your sewing endeavours. Whether you’re quilting, embroidering, or simply sewing your heart out, the A.S.R. is your steadfast companion on the road to sewing perfection. So, let your creativity soar and let the A.S.R. guide you towards stunning and flawless creations!